Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Katy Perry Rebounds From Breakup On 'Wide Awake' Single

Singer set to appear on 'MTV First' Wednesday at 7:23 p.m. ET on MTV and premiere her video for 'Part of Me.'
By Jocelyn Vena

Katy Perry
Photo: Niki Nikolova/ Getty Images

Katy Perry is showing her soft side on the latest selection from her forthcoming Teenage Dream: The Complete Confection album, which drops March 26. The mid-tempo track, "Wide Awake," reflects on coming down from the "high" of love.

Slower-paced than her first Teenage Dream: The Complete Confection single, "Part of Me," "Wide Awake" is less about the kiss-off and more about the sadness that settles in after a love affair ends.

Given that Katy recently went through a breakup with her husband, Russell Brand, the lyrics certainly seem relevant to her life. But given that "Part of Me" and another Complete Confection track, "Dressin' Up," were recorded long before this re-release, it's hard to tell if the intended target actually is the comedian.

Co-written by Bonnie McKee, the reflective track has Perry singing, "Thunder rumbling/ Castles crumbling/ I'm trying to hold on/ God knows that I tried/ Seeing the bright side/ I'm not blind anymore."

"I'm working with Katy and it's great," Bonnie McKee told MTV News. "I'm really excited and I think everyone is going to really relate to and love what she's doing next. It's kind of a departure from what she's been doing in the past. We are a great team when we write together because we don't let each other settle; every single line is a philosophical debate.

"She's going through some major life changes," McKee added. "So it's not all about bubble gum and fun. It's real and it's deep and she has a lot to say. So I think people are anxious to hear it."

Perry is set to open up about The Complete Confection during "MTV First: Katy Perry" on Wednesday, March 21, at 7:23 p.m. ET on MTV.

The singer will also premiere her highly anticipated video for "Part of Me" Wednesday, followed by a 30-minute interview with MTV News' James Montgomery on

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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Honest Buildings, a Sort of Yelp and Linkedin for Architecture ...

Honest Buildings/Screen capture

How do you know if a building is really green? If you are a prospective tenant looking for space, an employee looking for a healthy environment, or you are just interested in architecture and design, where do you go? How do you find out what people think of the places they work? As of today, you can go to Honest Buildings, a startup that lets you "See what's happening inside buildings and connect with people who live, work and spend time there." Founder Riggs Kubiak described it in Forbes:

Online reviews have already transformed many industries. Yelp brought reviews to restaurants and TripAdvisor brought reviews to travel. There is a review site for nearly every other industry except real estate ? and yet we spend nearly 90% of our time in buildings! Think of the amount of capital that goes into real estate decisions, whether it is renting an apartment, buying a home, procuring services for a building, or leasing space for a business. [Wouldn?t] you would love to know what people are actually thinking about those buildings??

honest buildings/Screen capture

Data on 50,000 buildings containing over 10 billion square feet have already been listed on the site, although there is not much to be gleaned other than the basics at this point; I checked out Discovery Headquarters above and there are the basics about it being LEED Platinum; the site is brand new and there are not a lot of reviews and comments yet. As Yoni Cohen notes in Forbes,

To succeed, Honest Buildings needs to scale ? quickly. If the platform attracts a base of real estate stakeholders ? from owners to tenants, architects to engineers, and lighting professionals to window contractors, among many others ? network effects will accelerate adoption.

This could be a really important tool, not only for marketing of green building, but with the public review and comment section, a great way of keeping building owners and operators on their toes, ensuring that they continue the practices in cleaning and maintenance that are green and healthy.

Honest Buildings/Screen capture

One can see it beginning to work in the review section of the high-profile Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation building, where people are adding comments, much like they would on a review website like Yelp.

Founder Riggs Kubiak notes in the press release: "We are bringing transparency and connectivity to the massive real estate industry, which has traditionally been fragmented, opaque and inefficient." This may be a bit of a problem, as many in the real estate industry love opacity and secrecy, it is the way they work. They also have lawyers; I can imagine what might happen if a whole pile of negative reviews came in for a Trump building.

On the other hand, Honest Buildings has created a very attractive and easy to use platform. This might really catch on. Sign up at Honest Buildings.


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Change of Subject: In defense of insurance mandates

Mandates work ....If somebody?if somebody can afford insurance and decides not to buy it, and then they get sick, they ought to pay their own way, as opposed to expect the government to pay their way. And that?s an American principle. That?s a principle of personal responsibility....

If people can afford to buy (insurance), either buy the insurance or pay your own way; don?t be free riders and pass on the cost to your health care to everybody else....

?The question is this, again, if someone could afford a policy and they choose not to buy it, should they be responsible for paying for their own care? Or should they be able to go to the hospital and say, ?You know what? I?m not insured. You ought to pay for it.??...

Each state needs to get busy on the job of getting all our citizens insured. It does not cost more money...

I won't even waste your time with a teasy little "who said it?" quiz because you already know who said it, don't you, readers? Mitt Romney. The date, Jan. 5, 2008. The source of this quote? The conservative Weekly Standard


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Sunday, March 11, 2012

Halloween Party Concepts Choosing Pirate Party Supplies


You can find several creative options to host a Halloween party for small children, including use of pirate party supplies and stuff you currently have in your possession.? Have entertainment with the decorations by using buckets to secure loot bags, old fashioned bowls to carry party favors, and foot lockers to accommodate other pirate party supplies and pirate costumes for kids. These occasions can be presented in a number of ways:





  1. On the Halloween party invitation, ask that all the attendees dress in pirate costumes for kids.



  2. On the Halloween party invitation, demand that everyone bring some of what a pirate would wear. For example, this could include an eye patch and a pirate hat.




Before making a final decision about which type of party you?d like to host, have a chat with your child (or children) about what they think are some interesting party ideas. combine their ideas in with the options listed above, and you?re sure to have a extraordinary Halloween party.


Once you prefer to use option one where all the guests appear in pirate costumes for kids, consider holding a costume game. Once you collect all of your RSVPs, you?ll know exactly (or pretty close to) the number of visitors are preparing to attend.

Using printer paper that looks like parchment paper (it?s available at most office supply stores), design a separate certificate for each child. Write their name using fancy handwriting, and give each child their own winning certificate, that way no one feels left behind. You can get really innovative with these certificate descriptions:





  • A lot of colorful (or vibrant) costume



  • Pirate costume with the most patches (or holes!)



  • Socks with the most stripes (or holes!)



  • Shiniest belt buckle (or hat buckle)



  • Biggest hat (or most unique bandanna)



  • Perfect face paint



  • Biggest mole (or longest hair on mole)



  • Funniest fake teeth





Any time you decide with option number two, you?re going to require more pirate party supplies. A bunch of party supply stores, as well as dollar stores and big box stores carry pirate party supplies and pirate costumes for kids. So, if you would like to pick up some more costumes if it fits within your party?s budget, this might be a fun approach for those who want to change and dress up. In addition, pick up some paper pirate hats, plastic eye patches, and periscopes for the guests to dress up with and play with. Even though you asked for that each guest bring something pirate related on the Halloween party invitation, ensure you still pick up more for each visitor incase someone forgets.


Don?t fail to consider to purchase yourself a pirate costume, and to ask all your adult helpers to dress up in a costume as pirates as well. The intention is to become part of the occasion, and not just someone in the background helping and cleaning up. Get worried about cleaning up later ? give thought to having a good time now. There?s no getting around the facilitation method, so why not do it in costume? You and your party workers might also have a good time using pirate-like voices and accents to further add to the party?s mechanics. (And, you?re sure to get a lot of laughs!)


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Sharon Albert experienced a little luck of the Irish Saturday at the Scranton Cultural Center's St. Patrick's Day Parade Party when she spotted an open table on the balcony overlooking the ballroom. ...


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Saturday, March 10, 2012

Romney is facing skepticism in Republican South

FILE - In this Jan. 19, 2012 file photo, Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, and South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, greet supporters at his campaign headquarters in Charleston, S.C. Romney faces a tough sell in the Deep South. With Mississippi and Alabama primaries coming up next Tuesday, there?s concern that he?s too slick, not really a conservative. In a region where the evangelical vote is important, some are skeptical about his Mormon faith. But for many Southerners, if he wins the Republican nomination and it?s a November choice between him and Barack Obama, he may be just good enough. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak, File)

FILE - In this Jan. 19, 2012 file photo, Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, and South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, greet supporters at his campaign headquarters in Charleston, S.C. Romney faces a tough sell in the Deep South. With Mississippi and Alabama primaries coming up next Tuesday, there?s concern that he?s too slick, not really a conservative. In a region where the evangelical vote is important, some are skeptical about his Mormon faith. But for many Southerners, if he wins the Republican nomination and it?s a November choice between him and Barack Obama, he may be just good enough. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak, File)

Map shows southern states won by GOP presidential candidates

An Apollo V rocket hangs above Republican presidential candidate, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum as he speaks at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center, Thursday, March 8, 2012, in Huntsville, Alabama. (AP Photo/Eric Gay)

Republican presidential candidate, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, accompanied by his wife Callista, speaks at a rally in Jackson, Miss., Thursday, March 8, 2012. (AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis)

Republican presidential candidate, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum speaks at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center, Thursday, March 8, 2012, in Huntsville, Alabama. (AP Photo/The Huntsville Times, Eric Schultz)

(AP) ? Mitt Romney faces a tough sell in the Deep South. With Mississippi and Alabama primaries coming up next Tuesday, there's concern that he's too slick, not really a conservative. In a region where the evangelical vote is important, some are skeptical about his Mormon faith.

But if Romney wins the Republican nomination and it's a November choice between him and Democratic President Barack Obama, the former Massachusetts governor may be just good enough for some Southerners.

"If push comes to shove and he gets the nomination, I'll go in the voting booth like this and vote for him," says Mississippi retiree David Wilke, holding his nose.

Romney acknowledges that he faces an uphill battle in Tuesday's Southern primaries. In an interview Thursday with Birmingham, Ala., radio station WAPI, he said the Deep South contests would be "a bit of an away game" for him.

Campaigning in Pascagoula, Miss., Romney said he is turning into an "unofficial Southerner."

"I'm learning to say 'y'all' and I like grits. Strange things are happening to me," he said jokingly.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who represented Georgia for 20 years and now lives in Virginia, needs to win every state from South Carolina to Texas to get to the convention this summer, spokesman R.C. Hammond says.

Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum's staff says he'll be aggressive in states where Gingrich expects to perform well.

Gingrich scored an early primary victory in South Carolina and won this week in Georgia. Romney added a Virginia win this week ? Gingrich and Santorum weren't on the ballot ? to his Jan. 31 win in Florida, which is culturally not entirely a Southern state, despite its geography. Santorum won Tennessee.

After Mississippi and Alabama next week, Louisiana votes March 24, North Carolina and Texas May 8, Arkansas May 22 and Texas May 29.

Santorum and Gingrich are invoking God and country as they campaign in Mississippi and Alabama, They're winning applause by saying Obama has been a weak ally for Israel, a point that resonates with Christian conservatives.

Romney and Obama also expressed support for Israel this week in speeches to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee in Washington, but Mary Dockery, director of a Christian youth group in central Mississippi, said she's voting for Santorum because she believes he's the most pro-Israel candidate.

"In God's word, he tells us about the blessings of those people who support Israel," Dockery said at a Santorum rally Wednesday night at the Mississippi Agriculture Museum in Jackson.

Santorum didn't mention Gingrich during his appearance at the rally before about 400 people, but he drew parallels between Romney and Obama on the government's role in health care. A boy at the rally hollered, "Obamneycare," momentarily drawing attention.

"If we win in Mississippi, this will be a two-person race," Santorum told the audience, which included several families with young children and some people wearing tea party shirts.

Roughly 200 people turned out Thursday morning to hear Gingrich at a Jackson hotel. He spoke at length about oil production but got the most applause when he said Obama has an arrogant belief in big government.

"Obamaism is a repudiation of the Declaration of Independence," Gingrich declared.

Still, Romney is supported by top Republicans in many Southern states, including in Alabama, and he'll speak in Birmingham on Friday. He's been endorsed by former Alabama Gov. Bob Riley, though Riley concedes Romney is an underdog in the state.

"Mitt Romney is the only candidate with the leadership and business experience to take our country through this difficult economic situation and bring us out stronger," Riley said. "If there was ever time to have a job creator in the White House, it is now."

In Louisiana, which holds its primary in two weeks, state Republican Executive Director Jason Dore said support for GOP candidates seems to be fluctuating to match the national battle over the nomination. He said Romney supporters are particularly active in the New Orleans area, while Ron Paul is getting much of the attention on college campuses.

"Gingrich and Santorum seem to both ebb and flow all the time," Dore said.

In Mississippi, Romney has been endorsed by most statewide elected officials, including Gov. Phil Bryant, who announced his support on Thursday shortly before a Romney rally in the coastal city of Pascagoula. Bryant had previously supported Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who has dropped out. Both of Mississippi's Republican National Committee members, Henry Barbour and Jeanne Luckey, are supporting Romney.

"Folks in Mississippi are just like Republicans in other places. They care about jobs and the economy and who can beat Obama. That's why I'm supporting Romney," said Barbour, a prominent state lobbyist whose uncle, former Gov. Haley Barbour, is withholding an endorsement until Republicans choose a nominee.

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal endorsed his friend Perry. When Perry dropped out of the race, Jindal said he'd wait and endorse the eventual nominee.

Waiting to hear Gingrich speak Thursday in Jackson, Shane Brown, a 43-year-old nondenominational Christian minister, said he and his wife are not Romney fans but they're resigned that he will probably win the nomination.

"He just does not seem like a real person," Brown said. "We're going to end up getting a candidate that the base doesn't really love. You may go vote for him, but you're not going to tell 10 people to go vote for him."

He said that enthusiasm gap will hurt the Republicans. "I think that's something the party establishment doesn't quite understand."

Cal Jillson, a Southern Methodist University political science professor, said Romney can claim success if he wins one-third of the primary vote in Mississippi and Alabama.

"Gingrich is there as a son of the South," Jillson said. "And Santorum is there as a Yankee but as a Yankee social conservative."

Wilke, 71, worked 31 years as an industrial equipment salesman and lives in a rural area outside Jackson. Wearing a shirt emblazoned with a large American flag and a baseball cap with "USA" in red, white and blue, he attended the Santorum rally Wednesday night in at the state agriculture museum.

He said he's about 95 percent in support of Santorum and 100 percent in support of Gingrich. Wilke said he likes Santorum's social conservatism, and he believes Gingrich would wipe the floor with Obama in a debate.

Romney? Don't even get Wilke started. Too rich. Out of touch. Too slick, and too likely to say one thing to an audience up North and other things to audiences down South, Wilke said.

"I've got to tell you the truth: I don't trust the man," Wilke said. "He's too wishy-washy."

And Wilke said the Republican primary has been too negative: "I don't want (Santorum) bashing the Mormon and I don't want the Mormon bashing Newt."

Bettye Fine Collins of Birmingham, Ala., a Republican National Committee member, said she's supporting Santorum in the primary because "he has never flip-flopped on conservative values." But she said she'll back Romney if he wins the nomination. She said Santorum's background, as the son of the coal miner, will appeal more to the common man and woman than Romney's. She said Obama won in 2008 by targeting the common voter.

"We didn't target the people who are out there struggling to make a living," Collins said.

In Montgomery, Ala., Candy Sumrall, a 56-year-old transportation worker and declared "strong Newt supporter," said she thinks many people will vote for Romney because the media have proclaimed him the front-runner. She believes Gingrich is the only person with a real chance to defeat Obama.

"All the things Romney flip-flopped on, you don't change the way you think and what you believe because you think that's what people want to hear," Sumrall said. "Mitt Romney is Obama lite."

Jillson said the South will remain solidly Republican in November.

"If Romney is the nominee, he will certainly win as much of the South as McCain did last time," Jillson said. "The fight will be in the periphery. It will be Virginia and Florida. The rest of the South is pretty secure."


Associated Press writers Phillip Rawls and Andy Brownfield in Montgomery, Ala., and Melinda Deslatte in Baton Rouge, La., contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Friday, March 9, 2012

Personalized Necklace with the Stone of your Preference - All STERLING SILVER- Bridal party, Wedding, Monogram Necklace

A dainty sterling silver hammered ring holds three lovely charms, a 9mm disk with the initial of your choice, the stone of your preference (the one in the first picture is a Pink Quartz briolette) and a tiny white fresh water pearl.
All dangling together from a sparkly sterling silver chain. Total length 17" adjustable up to 19" at no extra cost.
All metal components are sterling silver.

1- Mystic Champagne Quartz
2-Teal Chalcedony
3-Fresh Water Pearl
5-Cornflower Blue Chalcedony
6-Smoky Quartz
7-Bluish Green Mystic Quartz
8-Sky Blue Jade
9-Pink Quartz
10-Aqua Green Chalcedony
11-Green Onyx
12-Chartreuse Green Chalcedony
14-Pink Salmon Chalcedony
15-Hot Pink Chalcedony
16-Mystic Blue Quartz
17-Aqua Blue Chalcedony
18-Smoky Crystal
19-Mystic Amethyst
20-Green Chalcedony
21-Smooth Peruvian Blue Chalcedony

Always happy to hear from you, don't hesitate in contact me for further questions, bridal or custom orders.

Don't forget to leave me a note to the seller with the initial and stone of your preference.

Visit my store lizix26 here

Have any questions? Contact the shop owner


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Nurse's aide posted Facebook photos of patients

An Oregon nursing assistant spent eight days in jail after a jury found her guilty of taking disturbing photos of elderly or disabled patients and posting them to her Facebook wall.

A jury convicted Nai Mai Chao, 26, of invasion of personal privacy late last month. She was released from prison on Friday.

She was accused of taking graphic photos of patients using bed pans and posting them on Facebook. The pictures date to April 2011.

The pictures show at least two patients ? one of a patient lying down and another of the back of a patient's head. The rest of the pictures are of the contents of bed pans.

Her Facebook friends commented on several pictures, expressing disgust or humor about the photos.

Chao surrendered her nursing certificate in January and was fired from the Regency Pacific Nursing and Rehab Center in the Portland suburb of Gresham.

Chao denied taking the photos but admitted posting them.

The charge of invasion of personal privacy is a misdemeanor.

In addition to the jail time, she was ordered to write a 1,000-word apology to a patient that "should be an insightful look at why the defendant did what she did." If the essay doesn't meet that standard, the judge ruled, she could be charged with violating her two-year probation.

She is also forbidden for two years from working in a job that would require her to care for children or the elderly.

Chao did not answer a number listed for her in court documents on Wednesday. A court document notes that she does not have a fixed address.

Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Jeremy Lin: China and Taiwan compete for claims to NBA star

Sure, Jeremy Lin was born in California and struggles to speak Mandarin, but China and Taiwan both see themselves in the Knicks basketball star.

Everyone wants a piece of the New York Knicks basketball player Jeremy Lin. He?s almost as hot a topic as an island in the South China Sea. And though there will be no Navy called on over this battle, China and Taiwan are staking their claims to Mr. Lin's success story.

Skip to next paragraph

As the Knicks? only Asian player suddenly lifted his team to seven straight wins this month after years of struggle on the court, people throughout Taiwan found a sudden passion for the NBA and lauded Lin as one of their own.

Taiwanese enthusiastically point out that Lin?s parents lived on their island before moving to the US where he was born.

But just as Taiwan is claiming him based on his parent?s birthplace, China has also been swept up in the 'Linsanity' and found reason to claim him too: One of Mr. Lin?s grandmothers was born in the Chinese province of Zhejiang, trivia hardly overlooked in China?s official media. Like most in Taiwan, the Lin family ancestry traces back to China, just some 160 kilometers (100 miles) away.

In fact, waves of citizens from China are so excited about Lin, they?re urging the 23-year-old 6 foot 3 point guard to play for the Chinese Olympic team, because after all, he?s Chinese, they say.

No matter that he was born in California, that he reportedly struggles to speak Mandarin, or that he has made only a handful of visits back ?home.?

At the end of the claim game, however, Asia is positioned to win over the player who has averaged more than 20 points per game this month, his first major effort for the Knicks. If the fans in Asia don?t woo Lin, the sports marketers sizing him up right now just might.

?If he carries on the way he is, he?s going to be a marketing sensation not only in the United States but pan-Asia,? says Mark Thomas, managing director of the S2M Group, a sports management firm in Shanghai. His ?huge? value is still being calculated, Mr. Thomas says. But according to the China Daily, Forbes magazine?placed his ?worth?around?100?million?yuan?($15.9?million), and has?already?been?registered?as?a?trademark?by?a?Chinese businesswoman.


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