Saturday, January 28, 2012

Some slam Nazis; others gather for right-wing ball (AP)

VIENNA ? Austrians gathered in memory of the 6 million Jews murdered by the Nazis condemned plans to hold a ball of extreme rightists later in the day Friday, saying the event's timing transformed it into a macabre dance on Holocaust victims' graves.

Friday is International Holocaust Remembrance Day, celebrated each year on the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. Ball organizers insisted the fact that their event coincided this year with the 67th anniversary of the death camp's demise was coincidental and denied suggestions that those attending were extremists.

But opponents vehemently criticized both the day chosen to hold the WKR ball and the political views of those attending it, suggesting it regularly attracts elements from the neo-Nazi fringe. The ball is to be held in Vienna's ornate Hofburg palace, less than a minute's walk away from the memorial event.

The dispute reflects both the distance Austria has come in acknowledging its role in Nazi atrocities and stubborn rightist sentiment among some here, who see themselves as Germans and Germans as the superior race ? a common regional building block of anti-Semitism.

Some of the most bitter comments came from the crowd that converged on Vienna's Heldenplatz, or Heroes' Square, to lay wreaths for the victims of the Holocaust.

"You, who will dance and celebrate here; we remind you of the murder of two-thirds of Europe's Jews," proclaimed death camp survivor Rudolf Gelbard. Insisting that Nazi atrocities must never be forgotten, Greens' Party head Eva Glawischnig declared, "It is all the greater perfidy that there will be dancing today on the graves of Auschwitz."

Organizers point out that the ball traditionally takes place on the last Friday in January, but federal government minister Gabrielle Heinisch-Hosek scoffed at their insistence that the timing this year with international Holocaust commemorations was coincidence.

She called the timing "a big provocation" in comments to The Associated Press, while Greens' Party member Niki Kunrath said the fact "that right-wing extremists can still assemble in the most magnificent halls of the country" was a national shame.

Formally, Austria has moved from a postwar portrayal of being Nazi Germany's first victim to acknowledging that it was Hitler's willing partner. Most young Austrians reject Nazi ideology and condemn the part their parents might have played in the Holocaust.

At the same time, the rightist-populist Freedom Party ? whose supporters range from those disillusioned with the more traditional parties to Islamophobes and Holocaust deniers ? has become Austria's second-strongest political force.

The party, a strong defender of the ball, confirmed Friday that Marine Le Pen, head of France's National Front, planned to attend the event, along with Belgium's Philip Claeys of the Vlaams Belang party and other European far rightists.

The Freedom Party itself went on the offensive, saying the real threat to society came from leftists planning to demonstrate against the ball and warning Austrian Jewish leader Ariel Muzicant that it might press charges of incitement against him for encouraging the protests.

The ball is staged mostly by dueling fraternities including far-right members who display saber scars on their cheeks as badges of honor and mix on the dance floor with other guests of various ideological hues. Freedom Party leader Heinz-Christian Strache described the event as "an academic ball, not a political ball."

He accused "extreme-left" opponents of trying to sabotage his party and warned that the protests being organized outside the venue were being organized by anarchists backing "the rule of the street."

But demonstrations that began as the ball guests started to converge on the Hofburg were generally peaceful, with most of the approximately 2,500 demonstrators respecting police lines separating them from the venue.

In the only reported incident, some of the guests were delayed when the two buses carrying them were briefly blocked by sitting protesters who were quickly removed by police.

"I find this is wrong because today is the liberation day of Auschwitz," said demostrator Michael Wolfram of the event. "And I think it's impudent that the right-wing fraternities chose this day to celebrate."

Although the ball regularly comes under criticism, its overlap this year with the Auschwitz liberation anniversary had increased pressure on organizers and attendees

Because it was listed among other annual champagne-laced Viennese balls, an Austrian committee reporting to UNESCO, the U.N.'s culture organization, struck all the balls from its list of Austria's noteworthy traditions last week.

While some of the more opulent Vienna balls are criticized as a showcase of the rich, most are devoid of direct political controversy. For centuries, the city's high society has waltzed blissfully through wars, recessions and occasional firebomb-throwing anarchists opposed to the moneyed decadence they think such events represent.

But the WKR ball started drawing flack as Austrians began to come to grips decades ago with the fact that their country was one of Nazi Germany's most willing allies instead of its first victim through its 1938 annexation by Hitler.

Bowing to the pressure, the Hofburg palace announced late last year that the ball will have to move elsewhere as of 2013.


Philipp Jenne contributed to this report.


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Friday, January 27, 2012

Tired and broke, Santorum heads home to do taxes

Republican presidential candidate, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum listens to a question at Florida State University in Tallahassee, Fla., Thursday, Jan. 26, 2012. (AP Photo/Paul Sancya)

Republican presidential candidate, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum listens to a question at Florida State University in Tallahassee, Fla., Thursday, Jan. 26, 2012. (AP Photo/Paul Sancya)

(AP) ? Rick Santorum is tired, almost broke ? and going home.

The former Pennsylvania senator is leaving Florida just days before the Tuesday primary that even he expects to deal him a third consecutive loss.

Santorum says he would rather spend his Saturday sitting at his kitchen table to do his taxes than campaigning in a state where the race for the Republican presidential nomination has become a two-man fight between Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney.

The cash-strapped candidate acknowledges that he simply can't keep up with the GOP front-runners in Florida.

"We're going to talk about the Constitution and talk about being a strong conservative," Santorum said at an event here this week. "And that's all we can do."

Outside advisers are urging him to pack up in Florida completely and not spend another minute in a state where he is cruising toward a loss.

Santorum seem to be listening. He has yet to announce his primary day schedule but says it was a mistake for him to remain in South Carolina on its primary day.

"We can't let grass grow," he told reporters Thursday. "South Carolina Election Day was sort of a wasted day for us."

But he pledged to continue his campaign regardless of the Florida outcome.

It's a grim period for Santorum, who just three weeks ago was riding high after narrowly winning the Iowa caucuses. The victory was short-lived. He lost big in both New Hampshire and South Carolina.

He faced an uphill battle even before the race turned to Florida. He doesn't have the money to spend on television ads in Florida's expensive media markets. He couldn't compete with the thousands-strong crowds his rivals have been drawing. And he wasn't able to find a moment here that crystalized the rationale for his candidacy.

"Other candidates tell you they need your help," Santorum told Florida Republicans this week ? almost pleaded really. "They're lying. I really need your help."

But help didn't come ? at least in this state ? for a candidate who is visibly exhausted and running on, at most, four hours of sleep each night.

So Santorum is going home to Pennsylvania, which he represented in the Senate, and Virginia, where he lives with his wife and seven children, to get some rest and, he says, prepare his own taxes. He also plans fundraisers in both states as he works to rebuild his campaign account to pay for upcoming contests in Missouri, Minnesota and Colorado.

Santorum also is looking at Arizona and Michigan, which vote at the end of February ? if he makes it that far.

His inner circle of advisers is looking at the campaign checkbook. They say they can keep a lean campaign rolling in case Gingrich or Romney implode.

"This race is just starting. It's a three-man race," Santorum insists. "We're going to be in this race for the long term."

For now, at least, polls show Santorum dramatically trailing in Florida, the largest and most diverse state in the early nominating schedule. And he seems to be coming up short as he tries to win over voters with his everyman persona.

"I wish he had a little more passion in the belly," said Don Waldt, a Punta Gorda retiree who attended a Santorum rally at dusk this week. "He is conservative and authentic. But he isn't on top and doesn't seem to have a clear path to the top."

Associated Press


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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Coastguard heard pleading with Italian ship captain (Reuters)

GIGLIO, Italy (Reuters) ? Italian coastguards urged the captain of a stricken cruise liner to return to his listing ship, leaked recordings showed, as divers continued their search for survivors into the night after finding five more bodies in the half-submerged wreck.

The discoveries took the known death toll to 11. A list of 28 missing people was posted on an Italian interior ministry web site, though authorities said that likely included the five found dead on Tuesday that are so far unidentified.

Captain Francesco Schettino has been allowed to leave jail but is under house arrest, blamed by his employer for risking the lives of more than 4,200 passengers and crew and half a billion dollars of ship in a reckless display of bravado.

Rescuers used explosives to blast through the maze of luxury cabins, bars and spas, fast losing hope of finding anyone alive inside the Costa Concordia, which lies semi-submerged on its side after being ripped open by rocks off a Tuscan island.

Dutch maritime services company SMIT said it was ready to start pumping fuel from the stricken liner as early as Wednesday once search operations for missing people have ended and they get the go-ahead from local authorities.

SMIT has been asked by the ship's owner and insurer to salvage up to 2,300 tons of fuel from the 114,500-ton ship and clean up if fuel on the vessel starts to leak.

The giant cruise ship, a floating pleasure palace of bars, spas, state rooms and tennis courts, slid a little on Monday, threatening to plunge below the Mediterranean waters of the surrounding marine nature reserve.

This forced a brief suspension of rescue efforts, which were also halted overnight on Monday though searches were continuing through Tuesday night. A coastguard said they would go on until the entire ship had been checked.

The list of people still unaccounted for on Tuesday evening included 13 German, four French, five Italian and two American passengers, together with four crew members from Italy, India, Hungary and Peru.

Captain Schettino is accused of multiple manslaughter, causing a shipwreck by sailing too close to shore and abandoning ship before all his passengers and crew scrambled off.

He has denied the charges and told magistrates on Tuesday he believed he should be credited with saving "hundreds, if not thousands" of lives because he brought the ship close to shore after it hit a rock, lawyer Bruno Leporatti said.

A judge ruled he could be allowed out of jail on Tuesday and will be placed under house arrest at his home near Sorrento in southern Italy.

The skipper, who underwent toxicology tests, claims he did not abandon the ship while passengers were still aboard.

But newspaper Corriere della Sera released what it said was a recording of ship-to-shore radio communications in which the enraged coastguards repeatedly order him back on board.


"Listen Schettino, perhaps you have saved yourself from the sea, but I will make you look very bad. I will make you pay for this. Damn it, go back on board!" one coastguard says.

Speaking by radio from a lifeboat, Schettino pleads: "Do you realize that it is dark and we can't see anything?"

The coastguard shouts back: "So, what do you want to do, to go home, Schettino?! It's dark and you want to go home? Go to the bow of the ship where the ladder is and tell me what needs to be done, how many people there are, and what they need! Now!"

Officials did not confirm the tape's origins but other shouts heard in the background added authenticity. The Coast Guard official on the tape told a local newspaper he could tell by the "tone of the captain's voice" that something was very wrong. Schettino's lawyer said he would not comment.

The owners of the vessel - the biggest passenger ship ever wrecked and twice the tonnage of the Titanic - accused their captain of causing the disaster by sharply deviating from the charted course.

The ship foundered after striking a rock as dinner was being served on Friday night. The owners say the captain swung inshore to "make a bow" to the islanders, who included a retired Italian admiral. Investigators say it was within 150 meters of shore.

Most of the passengers and crew survived despite hours of chaos and confusion after the collision. The alarm was raised not by an SOS from the ship but mobile phone calls from passengers on board to Italian police on the mainland.

Video taken from a rescue helicopter in the early hours of Saturday, using a night vision camera, showed an extraordinary scene of dozens of passengers being gingerly lowered on ropes down the upturned hull of the ship into rescue boats.

The wreck, with a long gash below the waterline, looms over the normally tranquil island of Giglio.

The father of the ship's head waiter told Reuters his son had telephoned him before the accident to say the crew would salute him by blowing the ship's whistle as they passed close by Giglio, where both the waiter, Antonello Tievoli, and his 82-year-old father Giuseppe live.

Costa Cruises chief executive Pier Luigi Foschi on Monday blamed errors by Schettino for the disaster. He told a news conference the company would provide its captain with any assistance he required. "But we need to acknowledge the facts and we cannot deny human error," he added.

Foschi said company vessels were forbidden to come closer than 500 meters to the Giglio coast. Schettino denies being too close and says the rock he hit was not marked on charts.

The ship is resting in about 20 meters (60 feet) of water but could go down by as much as 130 meters if it shifts free from the rocks.

(Additional reporting by Silvia Ognibene, Silvia Aloisi, Kate Hudson and Catherine Hornby, Writing by Barry Moody and Philip Pullella; Editing by David Stamp)


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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

White Galaxy Nexus shows itself, plans an arctic vacation

We knew a snowed-out version of Samsung's Galaxy Nexus was on pace for a February release, and while we've still got a few weeks left, it looks as if one or two have slipped through the cracks. The fine folks over at managed to get a hold of the prized possession, and for anyone who has managed to pass their eyes over the white Galaxy S II, there's not a lot to be shocked by. The bezel along the front remains black, but hey -- beggars can't be picky, right? Tap that source link for a gallery's worth of eye candy.

White Galaxy Nexus shows itself, plans an arctic vacation originally appeared on Engadget on Sat, 14 Jan 2012 23:39:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Monday, January 16, 2012

Soldier faces hearing at Afghan base over suicide

FILE - This undated file photo provided by the U.S. Army shows Pvt. Danny Chen,19, who was killed Monday, Oct. 3, 2011 in Kandahar, Afghanistan. He was assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 21st Infantry Regiment, 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division, Fort Wainwright, Alaska. An American soldier charged with abuse that led to the suicide of a 19-year-old fellow soldier in Afghanistan is facing a preliminary hearing Sunday on a base in the country, the military said. Spc. Ryan J. Offutt is charged with offenses including maltreatment, involuntary manslaughter and negligent homicide in the death of Pvt. Danny Chen, the military statement said. Offutt is one of eight infantrymen charged in connection with the suicide. (AP Photo/U.S. Army, File) (AP Photo/U.S. Army, File)

FILE - This undated file photo provided by the U.S. Army shows Pvt. Danny Chen,19, who was killed Monday, Oct. 3, 2011 in Kandahar, Afghanistan. He was assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 21st Infantry Regiment, 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division, Fort Wainwright, Alaska. An American soldier charged with abuse that led to the suicide of a 19-year-old fellow soldier in Afghanistan is facing a preliminary hearing Sunday on a base in the country, the military said. Spc. Ryan J. Offutt is charged with offenses including maltreatment, involuntary manslaughter and negligent homicide in the death of Pvt. Danny Chen, the military statement said. Offutt is one of eight infantrymen charged in connection with the suicide. (AP Photo/U.S. Army, File) (AP Photo/U.S. Army, File)

FILE - In this Thursday, Oct. 20, 2011 file photo, Sgt. 1st Class Bobby Gates straightens the combat boots on the display before the memorial service for Pvt. Danny Chen of the 3rd Battalion, 21st Infantry Regiment at the Southern Lights Chapel on Fort Wainwright in Fairbanks, Alaska. An American soldier charged with abuse that led to the suicide of a 19-year-old fellow soldier in Afghanistan is facing a preliminary hearing Sunday on a base in the country, the military said. Spc. Ryan J. Offutt is charged with offenses including maltreatment, involuntary manslaughter and negligent homicide in the death of Pvt. Danny Chen, the military statement said. Offutt is one of eight infantrymen charged in connection with the suicide.(AP Photo / Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, Eric Engman, File) MAGS OUT

(AP) ? An American soldier charged with abuse that led to the suicide of a 19-year-old fellow soldier in Afghanistan is facing a preliminary hearing Sunday on a base in the country, the U.S. military said.

Spc. Ryan J. Offutt is charged with offenses including maltreatment, assault, involuntary manslaughter and negligent homicide in the death of Pvt. Danny Chen, the military said in a statement. Offutt is one of eight infantrymen charged in connection with the suicide.

Chen shot himself in a guardhouse Oct. 3 in Afghanistan after what investigators say were weeks of racial slurs, humiliation and physical abuse.

Offutt, 32, of Greenville, Pa., was charged in December along with seven others in the same unit. He joined the Army in 2006 and served 14 months in Iraq before being deployed to Afghanistan. An attorney for Offutt could not immediately be contacted.

Chen, a native New Yorker of Chinese descent, had only been in Afghanistan for two months when he killed himself.

He had told relatives he endured weeks of racial teasing and name calling while in training in the U.S.

After arriving in Afghanistan, investigators said, Chen was subjected to hazing by members of his unit, the 3rd Battalion, 21st Infantry Regiment, 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division based in Fort Wainwright, Alaska.

Chen's family has said investigators told them that at a remote base in southern Afghanistan, he was subjected to racial slurs and forced to do excessive sit-ups, push-ups, runs and sprints carrying sandbags.

On the day of his death, he had reported to the guard tower without his helmet or adequate water and was forced to crawl about 100 yards (100 meters) across gravel carrying his equipment as his comrades threw rocks at him, a family representative has quoted investigators as saying.

Sunday's hearing under Article 32 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice will determine whether Offutt faces court-martial. It was unclear how many days it will take. The process allows for cross-examining of any witnesses.

The two most serious charges, involuntary manslaughter and negligent homicide, carry prison sentences of up to 10 years and three years, respectively.

The hearing is being held at Kandahar Air Field, the sprawling base for U.S. and NATO operations in the south.

Chen's family and Chinese community members in New York have called for legal proceedings related to his death to be held in the United States, so they could witness them.

Offutt's mother, Carol Tate of Sharon, Pa., told The (Sharon) Herald last month that she has spoken to her son and thought there were other factors that have not been made public, but she declined further comment.

The Army has identified the other soldiers charged as 1st Lt. Daniel J. Schwartz, 25, of Maryland (no hometown was given); Staff Sgt. Blaine G. Dugas, 35, of Port Arthur, Texas; Staff Sgt. Andrew J. Van Bockel, 26, of Aberdeen, S.D.; Sgt. Adam M. Holcomb, 29, of Youngstown, Ohio; Sgt. Jeffrey T. Hurst, 26, of Brooklyn, Iowa; Spc. Thomas P. Curtis, 25, of Hendersonville, Tenn; and Sgt. Travis F. Carden, 24, of Fowler, Ind.

VanBockel, Holcomb, Hurst, Curtis and Offutt were charged with the most serious offenses, including involuntary manslaughter, negligent homicide, and assault and battery.

The NATO-led force also said two service members in southern Afghanistan died Sunday of injuries that were not battle-related.

A coalition statement did not say whether the injuries were the result of an accident, suicide, or other causes and it did not provide the troops' nationalities.

Sunday's deaths bring to 16 the number of coalition troops who have died in Afghanistan this month.

On Saturday, a roadside bomb killed two Afghan police officers as they were driving home in the eastern province of Khost, provincial police chief Sardar Mohammad Zazia said.

Both officers were members of a counternarcotics squad, he said. Khost lies along the border with Pakistan's lawless northwestern tribal region and is a stronghold of the al-Qaida-allied Haqqani network.

Associated Press


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Homeless NY teen up for science prize gets a house

Intel Semifinalist Samantha Garvey, 17, right, gets a hug from her science research teacher, Rebecca Grella, left, after an announcement by Suffolk County officials, Friday, Jan. 13, 2012, at Brentwood High School in Brentwood, NY. Garvey and her family were offered a rent subsidized home by officials in the Long Island county where she goes to school. Samantha Garvey is one of 61 students who have a chance at the competition's top prize of $100,000. The 17-year-old and her family moved into a homeless shelter on Jan. 1. Suffolk County officials made the housing announcement Friday morning at Brentwood High School, where Garvey is a senior. County official Steve Bellone says Garvey and her family can move into the house in about 10 days. ( AP Photo/John Dunn)

Intel Semifinalist Samantha Garvey, 17, right, gets a hug from her science research teacher, Rebecca Grella, left, after an announcement by Suffolk County officials, Friday, Jan. 13, 2012, at Brentwood High School in Brentwood, NY. Garvey and her family were offered a rent subsidized home by officials in the Long Island county where she goes to school. Samantha Garvey is one of 61 students who have a chance at the competition's top prize of $100,000. The 17-year-old and her family moved into a homeless shelter on Jan. 1. Suffolk County officials made the housing announcement Friday morning at Brentwood High School, where Garvey is a senior. County official Steve Bellone says Garvey and her family can move into the house in about 10 days. ( AP Photo/John Dunn)

Intel Semifinalist Samantha Garvey, 17, right, gets a hug from her science research teacher, Rebecca Grella, left, after an announcement by Suffolk County officials, Friday, Jan. 13, 2012, at Brentwood High School in Brentwood, NY. Garvey and her family were offered a rent subsidized home by officials in the Long Island county where she goes to school. Samantha Garvey is one of 61 students who have a chance at the competition's top prize of $100,000. The 17-year-old and her family moved into a homeless shelter on Jan. 1. Suffolk County officials made the housing announcement Friday morning at Brentwood High School, where Garvey is a senior. County official Steve Bellone says Garvey and her family can move into the house in about 10 days. ( AP Photo/John Dunn)

Intel Semifinalist Samantha Garvey, 17, right, gets a high five from her science research teacher, Rebecca Grella, left, after an announcement by Suffolk County officials, Friday, Jan. 13, 2012, at Brentwood High School in Brentwood, NY. Garvey and her family were offered a rent subsidized home by officials in the Long Island county where she goes to school. Samantha Garvey is one of 61 students who have a chance at the competition's top prize of $100,000. The 17-year-old and her family moved into a homeless shelter on Jan. 1. Suffolk County officials made the housing announcement Friday morning at Brentwood High School, where Garvey is a senior. County official Steve Bellone says Garvey and her family can move into the house in about 10 days. ( AP Photo/John Dunn)

Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone, left, applauds as Intel Semifinalist Samantha Garvey, 17, right, speaks to the media, Friday, Jan. 13, 2012, at Brentwood High School in Brentwood, NY. Garvey and her family were offered a rent subsidized home by officials in the Long Island county where she goes to school. Samantha Garvey is one of 61 students who have a chance at the competition's top prize of $100,000. The 17-year-old and her family moved into a homeless shelter on Jan. 1. Suffolk County officials made the housing announcement Friday morning at Brentwood High School, where Garvey is a senior. Bellone says Garvey and her family can move into the house in about 10 days. ( AP Photo/John Dunn)

Olga Garvey, left, hugs her daughter, Intel Semifinalist Samantha Garvey, 17, right, during an announcement by Suffolk County officials, Friday, Jan. 13, 2012, at Brentwood High School in Brentwood, NY. Garvey and her family were offered a rent subsidized home by officials in the Long Island county where she goes to school. Samantha Garvey is one of 61 students who have a chance at the competition's top prize of $100,000. The 17-year-old and her family moved into a homeless shelter on Jan. 1. Suffolk County officials made the housing announcement Friday morning at Brentwood High School, where Garvey is a senior. County official Steve Bellone says Garvey and her family can move into the house in about 10 days. ( AP Photo/John Dunn)

(AP) ? Samantha Garvey and her family had been living in a Long Island shelter for several days when they got word the 17-year-old aspiring marine biologist had made it to the semifinals of the prestigious national Intel science competition.

Now, with donations coming in and the county finding them rent-subsidized housing, she'll again be able to do her homework in a home.

"This is just the most amazing thing you could ask for," the diminutive Garvey said at a news conference Friday, surrounded by her parents, brother, sister and a cadre of politicians and school officials.

"We're all in tears here," she said after Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone announced that the Department of Social Services had located a nearby three-bedroom house where the family could live. "This is what we've always wanted."

Garvey is one of 300 teenagers nationwide named this week as semifinalists in the prestigious Intel science competition; finalists will be announced at the end of January. She spent more than two years researching the effects of the Asian short crab on the mussel population in a Long Island salt marsh.

"What Sam found was that, like after anyone, after being attacked you develop a tough skin of shell," said her science research teacher, Rebecca Grella. "These mussels were able to increase their thickness and protect themselves against their predator."

Grella noted the link between Garvey's challenges and those of the mollusks she studied.

"I do believe that is an amazing metaphor," Grella said, "and I do see Sam as a strong mussel."

The Brentwood High School senior, who has applied to Yale and Brown universities, was evicted along with her family from their home on New Year's Eve. Her mother, Olga, a nurse's assistant, was out of work for eight months following a car accident in February, and her father, Leo, could not keep up with the bills alone on his salary as a cab driver.

Housing prices on Long Island are among the highest in the country, even in Brentwood, which has struggled with gang violence in recent years. A three-bedroom home there recently sold for $291,000, according to Lisa Kennedy, a broker with Eric G. Ramsay Associates. A three-bedroom ranch is renting for $1,800 a month, she said.

The Garveys will pay 30 percent of their monthly income to rent the county-owned property, officials said.

Gregory Blass, the county commissioner of Social Services, said the family was already known to officials because they were staying in a shelter, making them eligible to move into the house. He said the county works to place about 30 to 40 homeless families a month from shelters into apartments or homes. He insisted the Garveys received no preferential treatment because of Samantha's notoriety.

The house is undergoing renovations and should be ready for the Garveys in about 10 days, Bellone said.

Leo Garvey, Samantha's father, said that after the eviction he took his family to a hotel for a week because he did not want them spending New Year's in a homeless shelter. But he finally had to contact Suffolk County Social Services for help last week; they were then placed in a shelter.

This week came the accolades for Samantha's scientific feat, and the offer for the family to live in a home of their own. Her story has gotten coverage nationwide.

Once sponsored by Westinghouse, the Society for Science and the Public has been running the competition since 1942. Over the decades, contest finalists have gone on to some of the greatest achievements in science. Seven have won a Nobel Prize.

Before the eviction, the Garveys had rented a home for six or seven years, Leo Garvey said. Before that, the family had also lived in homeless shelters from time to time; Leo Garvey described himself as a recovering alcoholic.

Samantha said that she had worried for several months before the eviction, knowing that her mother was ailing and money was tight.

"I ordered a senior picture and I said, 'I don't know where to send it. I don't know what's going to happen. What if we move, what if we get evicted,' which we did," she said. "You're out in limbo. You're like, 'What's going to happen to my mail, what's going to happen to my college applications. Where are they all going to go?' It's scary."

In addition to the county housing, officials said the Marriott Corp. is donating "several thousand dollars" of furniture for the family to use. Others have offered to pay kennel fees for the family pit bull.

"It's unbelievable; the outpouring of help that we've had," said Leo Garvey. He made reference to a news conference also held Friday in Suffolk County announcing the latest winner of a Mega Millions lottery jackpot. "I feel richer than that $208 million winner."


Associated Press writer David B. Caruso and AP researcher Judith Ausbel in New York contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Broncos-Patriots one of four intriguing NFL playoff games this weekend

Tim Tebow takes his act to New England, Drew Brees takes on the 49ers, the Texans travel to Baltimore, and the Packers host the Giants during this NFL divisional playoff weekend.

The Tim Tebow effect aside, it's a weekend made for pro football fans and their Barcaloungers with two NFL playoff games each on Saturday and Sunday.

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2012 People?s Choice Awards Winners (PHOTOS & VIDEO)

We’ve got the full list of the 2012 People’s Choice Awards winners right here! What do you think, readers? Did America get it right or are you shaking your head with some of these favorite PCA winners? Monty Brinton/CBS This year’s People’s Choice Awards was hosted by “The Big Bang Theory’s” Kaley Cuoco, and by the way, who else absolutely loved that the entire cast was featured in the opening skit? Funny stuff, I tell you. Those TBBT kids crack me up. I was a bit surprised that they did not win for Favorite Network Comedy, they were beat out by fellow CBS sitcom “How I Met Your Mother”. While I do love HIMYM as well, I thought for sure it would be a close race between TBBT and ABC’s “Modern Family”. It was nice to see the adorable Betty White in the spotlight, who along with her “Hot in Cleveland” co-stars Valerie Bertinelli, Wendy Malick and Jane Leeves, won for Favorite Cable TV Comedy. When Leeves announced to the crowd that Ms. White was turning 90 next week, the audience gave her a rousing standing ovation. “90 just happens! I didn’t do anything!”, the former “Golden Girl” star said. [...]


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Saturday, January 14, 2012

New Year, Powerline Still Stupid (OliverWillisLikeKryptoniteToStupid)

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Syria's president says he won't leave power

In this image made from video, Syrian President Bashar Assad delivers a speech in Damascus, Syria, Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2012. Assad gave his first speech Tuesday since he agreed last month to an Arab League plan to halt the government's crackdown on dissent. (AP Photo/Syrian State Television via APTN) SYRIA OUT

In this image made from video, Syrian President Bashar Assad delivers a speech in Damascus, Syria, Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2012. Assad gave his first speech Tuesday since he agreed last month to an Arab League plan to halt the government's crackdown on dissent. (AP Photo/Syrian State Television via APTN) SYRIA OUT

In this image made from video, Syrian President Bashar Assad delivers a speech in Damascus, Syria, Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2012. Assad gave his first speech Tuesday since he agreed last month to an Arab League plan to halt the government's crackdown on dissent. (AP Photo/Syrian State Television via APTN) SYRIA OUT

In this image made from video, Syrian President Bashar Assad delivers a speech in Damascus, Syria, Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2012. Assad gave his first speech Tuesday since he agreed last month to an Arab League plan to halt the government's crackdown on dissent. (AP Photo/Syrian State Television via APTN) SYRIA OUT TV OUT

(AP) ? Syrian President Bashar Assad said Tuesday he will not step down, insisting that he still has his people's support despite a 10-month-old uprising against him.

In his fourth speech since the Syrian revolt began in March, Assad also lashed out at the Arab League and accused the Cairo-based bloc of failing to protect Arab interests.

The League has suspended Syria and sent a team of monitors into country to assess whether the regime is abiding by an Arab-brokered peace plan that Assad agreed to on Dec. 19. The moves were humiliating for Syria, which considers itself a powerhouse of Arab nationalism.

"The Arab League failed for six decades to protect Arab interests," Assad said in the speech at Damascus University, where he stood at a podium flanked by Syrian flags. "We shouldn't be surprised it's failed today."

Assad repeated claims that a conspiracy is behind the unrest, but he said it is failing.

"We will declare victory soon," Assad said. "When I leave this post, it will be also based upon the people's wishes," he added.

The president has made few public appearances since the anti-government uprising began in March, inspired by the revolutions sweeping the Arab world. The regime's crackdown on dissent has killed thousands and led to international isolation and sanctions.

Assad also accused hundreds of media outlets of working against Syria to "push us toward ... collapse."

"They failed, but they have not given up," he said in the speech, which was broadcast live on state television.

Since the start of the uprising, Assad has blamed a foreign conspiracy and media fabrications for the unrest ? allegations that the opposition and most observers dismiss. The regime has banned most foreign news outlets and prevented independent reporting.

In recent months, Syria's conflict has turned increasingly violent as army defectors turn their weapons on the regime and some protesters take up arms to protect themselves.

Syria agreed in December to an Arab League-brokered plan that calls for an end to the military crackdown on protesters, but killings have continued.

About 165 Arab League monitors are in Syria to determine whether the regime is abiding by the plan to stop violence and pull heavy weapons out of the cities.

The U.N. estimated several weeks ago that more than 5,000 people have been killed since March. Since that report, opposition activists say hundreds more have died.

Adnan al-Khudeir, head of the Cairo operations room that the monitors report to, said more observers will head to Syria in the coming days and the delegation should reach 200. He said the mission then will expand its work in Syria to reach the eastern province of Deir el-Zour and predominantly Kurdish areas to the northeast.

Associated Press


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Friday, January 13, 2012

Hip fracture guidelines tackle 'considerable variations' in UK and Irish hospital care

Hip fracture guidelines tackle 'considerable variations' in UK and Irish hospital care [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 11-Jan-2012
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Contact: Annette Whibley

Expert guidance covers areas where evidence is controversial or incomplete

All patients with hip fractures should be fast-tracked through hospital emergency departments and operated on within 48 hours of admission, according to new consensus guidelines developed by UK experts in anaesthesia, orthopaedics, geriatrics and emergency medicine and published in the January issue of Anaesthesia.

However, patients in one in five hospitals in England and Wales currently wait longer than two days, risking lengthier inpatient stays, increased health problems - such as pressure sores, pneumonia and blood clots - and even an increased chance of death if the delay is prolonged.

The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland teamed up with a number of other organisations, including the Age Anaesthesia Association and British Orthopaedic Association, to develop the new ten-point plan for the Management of Proximal Femoral Fractures.

"Unlike existing guidelines, they review the current clinical evidence and also recommend best practice in numerous circumstances where evidence is controversial or incomplete, based on expert consensus" says consultant anaesthetist Dr Richard Griffiths, who chaired the working party.

"These are the first guidelines to cover some of the difficult clinical problems faced by anaesthetists on a daily basis.

"For example, we recommend that if any investigations need to be carried out on patients with systolic heart murmurs, this should be done as a matter of urgency to avoid delaying their operations.

"The management of patients on antiplatelet drugs to avoid blood clots forming is another controversial area. Evidence is incomplete, but the expert consensus is to proceed with surgery without stopping the drugs, as operating delays pose a greater risk to the patient."

Hip fractures present unique challenges for anaesthetists as they often occur in elderly patients with significant health problems, stresses Dr Griffiths.

"Despite the fact that guidance has been in place since the early 1990s concerning best practice management for these vulnerable patients, there remain considerable variations in models of post-operative care, rehabilitation and orthogeriatric input" he says.

"Bringing together experts in anaesthesia, orthopaedics, geriatrics and emergency medicine has enabled us to look at the journey of the hip fracture patients from admission to discharge and recommend how their care can be maximised by everyone involved."

Approximately 77,000 patients break their hips in the UK every year, spending an average of 16 days in hospital and costing the National Health Service 785 million. The majority (95 per cent) occur in people over 60 years of age and 75 per cent occur in females.

More than eight per cent of patients will die within 30 days of a hip fracture, especially if they are older, sicker or male, and this figure rises to up to 30 per cent within a year. It has been suggested that half of postoperative deaths are potentially preventable.

Only 44 per cent of UK patients admitted from home are discharged back to their home within 30 days of surgery. A further 22 per cent are discharged to a residential or nursing home and they can often spend a long time in hospital waiting for admission to these facilities, blocking much needed beds.

The ten-point action plan advises that:

  1. There should be protocol-driven, fast-track admission of patients with hip fractures through the emergency department.
  2. Patients with hip fractures require multidisciplinary care, led by orthogeriatricians.
  3. Surgery is the best analgesic for hip fractures.
  4. Surgical repair of hip fractures should occur within 48 hours of hospital admission.
  5. Surgery and anaesthesia must be undertaken by appropriately experienced surgeons and anaesthetists.
  6. There must be high-quality communication between clinicians and allied health professionals.
  7. Early mobilisation is a key part of the management of patients with hip fractures.
  8. Pre-operative management should take into consideration plans for the patient's discharge from hospital.
  9. Measures should be taken to prevent secondary falls.
  10. Continuous audit and targeted research is required in order to inform and improve the management of patients with hip fracture.

"We hope that our guidelines will address current variations in clinical practice so that patients can all benefit from a more consistent approach" concludes Dr Griffiths, who is also lead clinician for the National Health Service Hip Fracture Perioperative Group, an initiative started by anaesthetists, but with increasing membership from orthogeriatricians.


The paper can be read free online at:

Notes to editors

  • Management of proximal femoral fractures 2011. Griffiths et al. Anaesthesia. 67, pp85-98. (2012). doi:10.1111/j.1365-2044.2011.06957.x
  • Anaesthesia is the official journal of the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland and is international in scope and comprehensive in coverage. It publishes original, peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of general and regional anaesthesia, intensive care and pain therapy, including research on equipment.
  • Wiley-Blackwell is the international scientific, technical, medical, and scholarly publishing business of John Wiley & Sons, with strengths in every major academic and professional field and partnerships with many of the world's leading societies. Wiley-Blackwell publishes nearly 1,500 peer-reviewed journals and 1,500+ new books annually in print and online, as well as databases, major reference works and laboratory protocols. For more information, please visit or our new online platform, Wiley Online Library (, one of the world's most extensive multidisciplinary collections of online resources, covering life, health, social and physical sciences, and humanities.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Hip fracture guidelines tackle 'considerable variations' in UK and Irish hospital care [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 11-Jan-2012
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Contact: Annette Whibley

Expert guidance covers areas where evidence is controversial or incomplete

All patients with hip fractures should be fast-tracked through hospital emergency departments and operated on within 48 hours of admission, according to new consensus guidelines developed by UK experts in anaesthesia, orthopaedics, geriatrics and emergency medicine and published in the January issue of Anaesthesia.

However, patients in one in five hospitals in England and Wales currently wait longer than two days, risking lengthier inpatient stays, increased health problems - such as pressure sores, pneumonia and blood clots - and even an increased chance of death if the delay is prolonged.

The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland teamed up with a number of other organisations, including the Age Anaesthesia Association and British Orthopaedic Association, to develop the new ten-point plan for the Management of Proximal Femoral Fractures.

"Unlike existing guidelines, they review the current clinical evidence and also recommend best practice in numerous circumstances where evidence is controversial or incomplete, based on expert consensus" says consultant anaesthetist Dr Richard Griffiths, who chaired the working party.

"These are the first guidelines to cover some of the difficult clinical problems faced by anaesthetists on a daily basis.

"For example, we recommend that if any investigations need to be carried out on patients with systolic heart murmurs, this should be done as a matter of urgency to avoid delaying their operations.

"The management of patients on antiplatelet drugs to avoid blood clots forming is another controversial area. Evidence is incomplete, but the expert consensus is to proceed with surgery without stopping the drugs, as operating delays pose a greater risk to the patient."

Hip fractures present unique challenges for anaesthetists as they often occur in elderly patients with significant health problems, stresses Dr Griffiths.

"Despite the fact that guidance has been in place since the early 1990s concerning best practice management for these vulnerable patients, there remain considerable variations in models of post-operative care, rehabilitation and orthogeriatric input" he says.

"Bringing together experts in anaesthesia, orthopaedics, geriatrics and emergency medicine has enabled us to look at the journey of the hip fracture patients from admission to discharge and recommend how their care can be maximised by everyone involved."

Approximately 77,000 patients break their hips in the UK every year, spending an average of 16 days in hospital and costing the National Health Service 785 million. The majority (95 per cent) occur in people over 60 years of age and 75 per cent occur in females.

More than eight per cent of patients will die within 30 days of a hip fracture, especially if they are older, sicker or male, and this figure rises to up to 30 per cent within a year. It has been suggested that half of postoperative deaths are potentially preventable.

Only 44 per cent of UK patients admitted from home are discharged back to their home within 30 days of surgery. A further 22 per cent are discharged to a residential or nursing home and they can often spend a long time in hospital waiting for admission to these facilities, blocking much needed beds.

The ten-point action plan advises that:

  1. There should be protocol-driven, fast-track admission of patients with hip fractures through the emergency department.
  2. Patients with hip fractures require multidisciplinary care, led by orthogeriatricians.
  3. Surgery is the best analgesic for hip fractures.
  4. Surgical repair of hip fractures should occur within 48 hours of hospital admission.
  5. Surgery and anaesthesia must be undertaken by appropriately experienced surgeons and anaesthetists.
  6. There must be high-quality communication between clinicians and allied health professionals.
  7. Early mobilisation is a key part of the management of patients with hip fractures.
  8. Pre-operative management should take into consideration plans for the patient's discharge from hospital.
  9. Measures should be taken to prevent secondary falls.
  10. Continuous audit and targeted research is required in order to inform and improve the management of patients with hip fracture.

"We hope that our guidelines will address current variations in clinical practice so that patients can all benefit from a more consistent approach" concludes Dr Griffiths, who is also lead clinician for the National Health Service Hip Fracture Perioperative Group, an initiative started by anaesthetists, but with increasing membership from orthogeriatricians.


The paper can be read free online at:

Notes to editors

  • Management of proximal femoral fractures 2011. Griffiths et al. Anaesthesia. 67, pp85-98. (2012). doi:10.1111/j.1365-2044.2011.06957.x
  • Anaesthesia is the official journal of the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland and is international in scope and comprehensive in coverage. It publishes original, peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of general and regional anaesthesia, intensive care and pain therapy, including research on equipment.
  • Wiley-Blackwell is the international scientific, technical, medical, and scholarly publishing business of John Wiley & Sons, with strengths in every major academic and professional field and partnerships with many of the world's leading societies. Wiley-Blackwell publishes nearly 1,500 peer-reviewed journals and 1,500+ new books annually in print and online, as well as databases, major reference works and laboratory protocols. For more information, please visit or our new online platform, Wiley Online Library (, one of the world's most extensive multidisciplinary collections of online resources, covering life, health, social and physical sciences, and humanities.

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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Tim Cook's $375 million year: By the numbers (The Week)

New York ? In 2011, Apple's new CEO was awarded stock options worth hundreds of millions of dollars, making his $900,000 salary look paltry by comparison

It's good to be Tim Cook. An Apple filing earlier this week revealed?that the company's new CEO received a $376 million stock award in 2011, on top of a base $900,000 salary. Here, a brief guide, by the numbers, to Cook's big payday:

1 million
Restricted stock units?the Apple board awarded Cook when he took over from former CEO Steve Jobs. This was widely seen as an attempt to express confidence in Cook and retain him for many years to come. Half of the shares will vest in 2016, the other half in 2021.

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$376 million
Value of those shares when they were granted on August 24, 2011. "As far as a singular award, we haven't seen anything this large in a long time," says Aaron Boyd, the chief of executive compensation firm Equilar.

$420 million
Value?of a million shares of Apple stock today

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The all-time?high?price that Apple shares reached on Tuesday

40 million
Stock options?that Steve Jobs was given by Apple in early 2000. According to Boyd, that's the only one-time stock award worth more than Cook's. At the time, it was worth more than $600 million.

Tim Cook's salary in 2011. Because the stock package has to vest, Cook didn't really make hundreds of millions of dollars last year, says Philip Elmer-DeWitt at Fortune. The stock units are worthless at present. Still, given the great year Apple had, you could argue that "if Tim Cook had been paid $378 million in 2011? he [would have been] worth it."

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Amount?Cook contributed to his 401(K) account in 2011

$1.4 million
Cook's new annual base salary, after a raise he received at the end of 2011. That puts Cook "on the very high end of the salary spectrum" among tech CEOs,?says Zack Whittaker at?ZD Net.

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Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer's?salary?for 2011

Annual salary?Jobs received from 1997 until his death. He typically collected no bonus, though in 2001, he did get an extravagant gift: The company bought him a $90 million Gulfstream V airplane.

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$7 billion
Jobs' estimated worth shortly before his death in October. Much of Jobs' wealth came from Walt Disney Co. Jobs bought animation studio Pixar in 1985, then Disney acquired it in 2006, making Jobs one of the company's largest shareholders. In 2010, he held $4.4 billion worth of Disney stock and $1.4 billion worth of Apple shares. "Jobs could afford to skip the salary payments," says David Goldman at CNN Money.

$108 billion
Apple's revenue?in fiscal year 2011

Sources: CNN Money, Fortune, Giga Om, Google Finance, Redmond Pie, Reuters, ZD Net

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    War bound to bowl bound

    War bound to bowl bound [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 10-Jan-2012
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    Contact: Ashley Loar
    SAGE Publications

    US militaries influenced popularity, play of modern football

    Los Angeles, CA (January 9, 2012) As LSU and Alabama square off for the national college football championship, even the most rabid Tiger or Tide fan might not realize the influence that the US military had in the widespread appeal of football. According to a new study in the journal Armed Forces & Society (AFS), published by SAGE, college football can credit the military for bringing the sport to the masses. Additionally, the study explores how the impact of World Wars helped bring about issues such as payment of college athletes, which are still being debated.

    In the article "America and the Garrison Stadium: How the US Armed Forces Shaped College Football," researcher Joseph Paul Vasquez, University of Central Florida, looked at the effects of the US military on football and came up with many relationships that helped shape the sport over the years.

    "Having evolved from roots on the campuses of several elite Northeastern institutions, college football was not always big business or a broadly appreciated pastime, nor was its origin accidental," wrote Vasquez.

    Taking the sport from those elite college roots to the most popular sport in America took the impact of the military and most notably the First World War. Troops were in need not only of recreation, but also physical activity that would help them in their military training. Football became a favorite activity to meet both of these needs and thereby exposed more Americans to the sport than ever before. Competitions between military camps were widely followed and helped perpetuate the popularity of the sport.

    "Military institutions and their advocates promoted football around the dawn of the twentieth century by incorporating the game into military life with the college gameits most prominent manifestation at the timebeing the major beneficiary," wrote Vasquez. "Thus, surging, broad-based interest in football resulted from the effect of militaries as total institutions and authoritative innovator."

    World War II also served its own role in the popularity of college football. As with the First World War, troops were using the sport as recreation and physical activity which meant more men were playing football in some form than had played the sport before. After World War II, the establishment of the GI bill pushed these athletes to flood the universities and some were heavily recruited by football programs.

    "One former collegiate star in the Navy was courted by twenty-five schools before going back to his alma mater, where he was reportedly paid as much as $5,000 a year," wrote Vasquez. The case and more like it prompted the NCAA to set up regulations on scholarships and restrictions of payment of athletes.


    The article entitled "America and the Garrison Stadium: How the US Armed Forces Shaped College Football" from Armed Forces & Society (AFS) is available free for a limited time at:

    Armed Forces & Society (AFS), a quarterly publication, publishes articles on military institutions, civil-military relations, arms control and peacemaking, and conflict management. The journal is international in scope with a focus on historical, comparative, and interdisciplinary discourse. The editors and contributors include political scientists, sociologists, historians, psychologists, scholars, and economists, as well as specialists in military organization and strategy, arms control, and peacekeeping.

    Two-Year Impact Factor: 0.615
    Ranked: 81 out of 132 in Sociology and 75 out of 141 in Political Science
    Five-Year Impact Factor: 0.960
    Ranked: 62 out of 132 in Sociology and 47 out of 141 in Political Science
    Source: 2010 Journal Citation Reports (Thomson Reuters, 2011)

    SAGE is a leading international publisher of journals, books, and electronic media for academic, educational, and professional markets. Since 1965, SAGE has helped inform and educate a global community of scholars, practitioners, researchers, and students spanning a wide range of subject areas including business, humanities, social sciences, and science, technology, and medicine. An independent company, SAGE has principal offices in Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, Singapore and Washington DC.

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    AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

    War bound to bowl bound [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 10-Jan-2012
    [ | E-mail | Share Share ]

    Contact: Ashley Loar
    SAGE Publications

    US militaries influenced popularity, play of modern football

    Los Angeles, CA (January 9, 2012) As LSU and Alabama square off for the national college football championship, even the most rabid Tiger or Tide fan might not realize the influence that the US military had in the widespread appeal of football. According to a new study in the journal Armed Forces & Society (AFS), published by SAGE, college football can credit the military for bringing the sport to the masses. Additionally, the study explores how the impact of World Wars helped bring about issues such as payment of college athletes, which are still being debated.

    In the article "America and the Garrison Stadium: How the US Armed Forces Shaped College Football," researcher Joseph Paul Vasquez, University of Central Florida, looked at the effects of the US military on football and came up with many relationships that helped shape the sport over the years.

    "Having evolved from roots on the campuses of several elite Northeastern institutions, college football was not always big business or a broadly appreciated pastime, nor was its origin accidental," wrote Vasquez.

    Taking the sport from those elite college roots to the most popular sport in America took the impact of the military and most notably the First World War. Troops were in need not only of recreation, but also physical activity that would help them in their military training. Football became a favorite activity to meet both of these needs and thereby exposed more Americans to the sport than ever before. Competitions between military camps were widely followed and helped perpetuate the popularity of the sport.

    "Military institutions and their advocates promoted football around the dawn of the twentieth century by incorporating the game into military life with the college gameits most prominent manifestation at the timebeing the major beneficiary," wrote Vasquez. "Thus, surging, broad-based interest in football resulted from the effect of militaries as total institutions and authoritative innovator."

    World War II also served its own role in the popularity of college football. As with the First World War, troops were using the sport as recreation and physical activity which meant more men were playing football in some form than had played the sport before. After World War II, the establishment of the GI bill pushed these athletes to flood the universities and some were heavily recruited by football programs.

    "One former collegiate star in the Navy was courted by twenty-five schools before going back to his alma mater, where he was reportedly paid as much as $5,000 a year," wrote Vasquez. The case and more like it prompted the NCAA to set up regulations on scholarships and restrictions of payment of athletes.


    The article entitled "America and the Garrison Stadium: How the US Armed Forces Shaped College Football" from Armed Forces & Society (AFS) is available free for a limited time at:

    Armed Forces & Society (AFS), a quarterly publication, publishes articles on military institutions, civil-military relations, arms control and peacemaking, and conflict management. The journal is international in scope with a focus on historical, comparative, and interdisciplinary discourse. The editors and contributors include political scientists, sociologists, historians, psychologists, scholars, and economists, as well as specialists in military organization and strategy, arms control, and peacekeeping.

    Two-Year Impact Factor: 0.615
    Ranked: 81 out of 132 in Sociology and 75 out of 141 in Political Science
    Five-Year Impact Factor: 0.960
    Ranked: 62 out of 132 in Sociology and 47 out of 141 in Political Science
    Source: 2010 Journal Citation Reports (Thomson Reuters, 2011)

    SAGE is a leading international publisher of journals, books, and electronic media for academic, educational, and professional markets. Since 1965, SAGE has helped inform and educate a global community of scholars, practitioners, researchers, and students spanning a wide range of subject areas including business, humanities, social sciences, and science, technology, and medicine. An independent company, SAGE has principal offices in Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, Singapore and Washington DC.

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    AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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